Subcuticular catgut versus polyglactin 910 in scar formation in sheep

Veterinarni Medicina(2018)

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The aim of this double blind prospective experimental study was to compare the influence of polyglactin 910 (Vicryl, Ethycon) and plain catgut (Softcat-Plein, Braun) as subcuticular tissue sutures on wound healing and scar formation in sheep. Scar excision together with the surranding tissue was made three mounths later. Scars were compared visully, photographed and examined under a light microscope. All scars were cosmetically acceptable, linearly hardly visible, aplanted and less than 1 mm in width with no difference between the parts in which plain catgut or polyglactin 910 were used. All photographs were exeminated by a plastic surgeon as well as by a dermatologist and they confirmed that all scars were cosmetically acceptable, hardly visible, aplanted and less than 1 mm in width. During the light microscopic exemination done by the dermatologist foreign body granulomas were found in two scars where the subcuticular plain catgut was used. Concerning the plain catgut as an animal and foreign body granuloma inductor, the use of polyglactin 910 seems to be better.
subcuticular,catgut,polyglactin 910,wound,scar
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