Hybrid Hydrodynamic Characteristic For Hydrocephalus Valve: A Numerical Investigation Using Electrical Equivalent Networks

Eric Chappel,M. Hannebelle, L. Cornaggia,D. Dumont-Fillon, S. Momjian


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Numerical simulations based on the classical Marmarou's model have been carried out to analyse the dynamics of hydrocephalus valves. The evolution of the intracranial pressure in various case studies has been determined with a specific focus on flow control valves. It has been shown that their capability to prevent postural under-and over-drainage may be significantly altered by non-idealities of their hydrodynamic characteristics and by the inter-individual variability of the cerebrospinal fluid production rate. The use of microtechnology to improve the flow rate accuracy also enables the possibility to get original designs that are desirable to address specific restrictions of use associated with flow-control valves, in particular for patients exhibiting very high resistance to cerebrospinal fluid reabsorption. A new hybrid hydrodynamic characteristic of a hydrocephalus valve is proposed to stabilize the intracranial pressure. This new passive valve is equivalent to two pressure regulators at high and low relative pressures, corresponding respectively to upright and decubitus positions. The device is able to automatically switch from one configuration to the other as a function of the postural change. Numerical simulations suggest that this new hybrid valve should combine the advantages of both differential and flow control valves.
hydrocephalus valve, cerebrospinal fluid dynamics, numerical simulations, electrical equivalent networks
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