O-17 Treatment of Peyronie's Disease Associated with Organic Erectile Dysfunction with Penile Prosthesis Implant and Bovine Pericardium Graft. Description of the Procedure and Experience in a University Service in Southern Brazil

G.M. Paul, M.A. Aranha, F. Lorenzini, G. Rodrigues,R.M. Coelho

The Journal of Sexual Medicine(2017)

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Peyronie's disease is a pathology characterized by the appearance of penile plaques in the penile tunica albuginea. It is a pathology of unknown etiology that is frequently associated with penile curvatures ranging from asymptomatic penile curvatures to curvatures that make sexual activity impossible. Plaques of Peyronie's Disease often cause shortening of the penile shaft and a significant percentage of individuals affected by the disease have associated erectile dysfunction. The simple correction of the penile curvature with plications / grafts or the implantation of penile prostheses in an isolated way turns out to be not effective since the correction of the curvature does not correct the erectile dysfunction and the simple implantation of a penile prostheses can culminate in a penis of small size. Thus, the option of penile prosthesis implantation associated with penile graft in tunica albuginea has the advantage of restoring penile size by keeping the penile shaft with a penile size more adequate for sexual activity. We present our experience in a university department of the implantation of malleable penile prosthesis associated with bovine pericardial penile graft in tunica albuginea. Surgical technique with circumferential penile incision, dissection of the Buck fascia and the penile vascular-nervous bundle. Incision of the plaque, dilation of the cavernous bodies, implantation of the penile prosthesis and coverage of the tunica albuginea defect with bovine pericardium graft. Closing by plans. To date, we have 5 cases operated with good postoperative evolution and no significant complications. Penile prosthesis implantation concomitant with albuginea graft with bovine pericardium has been shown to be effective and safe in cases of Peyronie's disease with symptomatic penile curvature, erectile dysfunction and associated penile shortening.
organic erectile dysfunction,penile prosthesis implant,erectile dysfunction,bovine pericardium graft,peyronie
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