Biological and ecological characteristics of Rhus tree - Toxicodendron succecdanea (L.) Kuntze planted in Da Bac district, Hoa Binh province

Nguyen Phuong Giang,Doan Huong Mai,Do Thi Xuyen

VNU Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology(2017)

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Rhus tree - Toxicodendron succecdanea (L.) Kuntze is an industrial plant that provides precious and unique plastics in Vietnam. Rhus tree was originally planted in Phu Tho province, but so far many areas have been experimenting with Son and Da Bac (Hoa Binh) as one of the pilot sites for planting rhus tree. This study described the morphology and microstructure characteristics of Son trees grown in Cao Son commune, Hao Ly district, Da Bac district, Hoa Binh province. Especially latex tubes are present in both the body, roots and leaves, the number of tubes are many, usually forming the ring around the trunk and roots, the size of the tube large latex. Besides, the Ph of soil in Cao Son ranges from 3.71 to 4.32; In Hao Li from 3.68 to 3.98; Humus index in soil 0.47-3.98; N (%) is 0.08-0.25, Ca2 + is 0.25-2.5; Mg2 + is 0.5-2.38; Total phosphorus is 0.38-0.40; Phosphorus is readily digested at 43.43-59.06; Total potassium is 0.13 to 2.2. Land for growing mild soils or medium soils
rhus tree,toxicodendron succecdanea,ecological characteristics
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