Uptake of Services for Prevention for Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Lubumbashi (D.R. of Congo)

Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research(2017)

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Objective: Evaluate PMTCT services in the Lubumbashi Health Zone. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study carried out in the maternity wards of all 18 maternities in the Lubumbashi Health Zone from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015; one of the 27 health zones in the province of Haut-Katanga (DR Congo). Included were all women who received prenatal, perinatal and postnatal consultations during the study period.Results: Of 12496 women admitted to ANC, 6291 (50.1%) were counseled for HIV testing; 6170 (98.5%) were screened and an incidence of 2.4% was observed. Regarding male partners of women diagnosed during ANC consultations, 120 (1.9%) were counseled, 100 (83.3%) of those who were counseled were screened for HIV and an incidence of 20% to HIV was reported. Concerning management of women screened HIV positive during ANC, 106 (89.1%) among them were placed on ART according to Option B+. One hundred and sixteen live-born infants were born from HIV positive mothers and all were placed on nevirapine prophylaxis. Forty-six (39.7%) were tested with DBS at six weeks giving an incidence of 4.3%Conclusion: These results show that there are still challenges to be faced in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in the Lubumbashi Health Zone. The integration of PMTCT activities with Option B+ in all maternity units in this health zone would reduce the vertical transmission of HIV.
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