
Characteristics Of The Dietary Habits Of Cancer Patients And Structure Of Consumption Of Basic Food Products

Z. Batagoeva,T. Sharmanov,E. Satbayeva,A. Seitaliyeva, B. Doszhanova, K. Esetova,M. Amirkulova, T. Parmankulova, A. Izatova, D. Kadyrova,I Kim,G. Smagulova


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Study of the feeding habits of cancer patients in comparison with current norms of consumption of products. We carried out a comparative analysis of actual nutrition of surveyed patients with the recommended norms of food consumption, which were used in Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology. Also we calculated the value of nutrients in a variety of diets in percentage of the average recommended by FAO/WHO values and WHO recommended lower limit of value . The results of the study showed that the energy value of the ration of actual nutrition of the patients with oncological hospitals was below 200 kcal in comparison with the norms of content of nutrients. The total consumption of proteins, carbohydrates was lower also. Slightly exceeded the fat consumption and percentage of fat calorie of 33.8%. Carbohydrate calories provided to 52.0%, which is also sufficient. The percentage of carbohydrate in the diet was increased in 2 times. From micronutrients in the diet of patients was revealed lack of calcium, phosphorus, and also expressed a lack of iodine, zinc, selenium, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin E, thiamine, Niacin. Of the required amount of 40.8 g. dietary fiber patients received a total of 8.8 grams. The value of protein in the actual nutrition of patients conforms to the standards but significantly exceeded the recommended value of FAO/WHO. Thus, in the actual nutrition of patients in the Oncology hospitals the energy value of the ration of dietary intake, intake of total proteins, fats, carbohydrates was low than the approved standard. Especially pronounced was the lack of dietary fiber, micronutrients. In the hospitals of Kazakhstan it is necessary to apply the methods of correction of the protein component of the diet using a composite of mixtures with a high biological value and a set of essential nutrients.
dietary habits,food products,basic food products,cancer
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