Testing a non-perturbative mechanism for elementary fermion mass generation: lattice setup

arXiv: High Energy Physics - Lattice(2018)

引用 2|浏览40
In this contribution we lay down a lattice setup that allows for the non-perturbative study of a field theoretical model where a SU(2) fermion doublet, subjected to non-Abelian gauge interactions, is also coupled to a complex scalar field doublet via a Yukawa and an irrelevant Wilson-like term. Using naive fermions in quenched approximation and based on the renormalized Ward identities induced by purely fermionic chiral transformations, lattice observables are discussed that enable: a) in the Wigner phase, the determinations of the critical Yukawa coupling value where the purely fermionic chiral transformation become a symmetry up to lattice artifacts; b) in the Nambu-Goldstone phase of the resulting critical theory, a stringent test of the actual generation of a fermion mass term of non-perturbative origin. A soft twisted fermion mass term is introduced to circumvent the problem of exceptional configurations, and observables are then calculated in the limit of vanishing twisted mass.
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