LITE microscopy: a technology for high numerical aperture, low photobleaching fluorescence imaging


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Fluorescence microscopy is a powerful approach for studying sub-cellular dynamics at high spatiotemporal resolution; however, conventional fluorescence microscopy techniques are light-intensive and introduce unnecessary photodamage. Light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) mitigates these problems by selectively illuminating the focal plane of the detection objective using orthogonal excitation. Orthogonal excitation requires geometries that physically limit the detection objective numerical aperture (NA), thereby limiting both light-gathering efficiency (brightness) and native spatial resolution. We present a novel LSFM method: Lateral Interference Tilted Excitation (LITE), in which a tilted light sheet illuminates the detection objective focal plane without a sterically-limiting illumination scheme. LITE is thus compatible with any detection objective, including oil immersion, without an upper NA limit. LITE combines the low photodamage of LSFM with high resolution, high brightness, coverslip-based objectives. We demonstrate the utility of LITE for imaging animal, fungal, and plant model organisms over many hours at high spatiotemporal resolution.
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