Pathological and Clinical Study of Japanese Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontomas


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Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (AFO) is defined as a tumor with general characteristics of an ameloblastic fibroma along with the presence of enamel and dentine. AFO is a well-encapsulated, painless, slow-growing, and expanding tumor in young patients. Histologically, it has been classified as an ameloblastic fibroma or odontoma. In the 2017 new WHO classification of odontogenic tumor, AFO is described that they in most cases represent developmental stages of either complex or compound odontoma and that retaining them as separate entities would therefore be illogical. However, there is still considerable confusion concerning the nature and histology of AFO and the surgical therapy for this lesion. Here we present a case of maxillary AFO and review the relevant literature regarding the clinical and surgical features of this lesion.
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Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma,Odontogenic tumor,Japanese patients,Review
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