Clinical Usefulness of Transabdominal Us for the Focal Pancreatic Lesion

Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology(2017)

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of TAUS in the evaluation of cystic and solid lesions of the pancreas. TAUS is the most prevalent and convenient test for the evaluation of abdominal diseases. However, despite the development of ultrasound equipment, there are many limitations to the evaluation of pancreatic disease through ultrasound. Therefore, in this exhibition, we compare the pros and cons of ultrasonography for pancreatic lesions with CT, MRI and EUS. I would like to present the future direction of TAUS. TAUS helps differentiate between solid lesions (PDAC, SPN, NET, metastasis, lymphoma, and intrapancreatic accessory spleen) and cystic lesions (IPMN, SCN, MCN, solid mass with cystic change, pseudocyst, and retention cyst ) in the pancreas, especially body area.TAUS is also useful as an alternative method to follow up the cystic lesions of the pancreas suspected to be benign. TAUS is a competitive test for the cost and convenience of pancreatic lesion differentiation and follow-up compared with CT, MRI or EUS.
focal pancreatic lesion,transabdominal usefulness
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