Changes in Norway spruce germination and growth induced by pre-sowing seed treatment with cold plasma and electromagnetic field: Short-term versus long-term effects


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The effects of Norway spruce (Picea abies) seed treatment with cold plasma (CP), vacuum, and electromagnetic field (EMF) on germination and seedling growth are studied. CP treatments negatively affected germination in vitro', but for germination in cassettes CP (7min) and EMF (5min) significantly increased the germination yield. All treatments increase the germination rate in cassettes except CP (7min) treatment having a negative effect. Seed treatment with CP and EMF increases the number of paramagnetic centers in dry seeds and modulate H2O2 production in germinating seeds. After the second vegetation season seedlings grown from CP (5min) and CP (7min) treated seeds, characterized by negative effects on either the germination rate or yield, have 50-60% larger height and 40-50% increased branching in comparison to the control seedlings.
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Key words
cold plasma,electromagnetic field,EPR,germination,hydrogen peroxide,Picea abies
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