Anti-oxidant and anti-apoptotic role of curcumin against in vivo induced breast cancer

BioChemistry: An Indian Journal(2013)

引用 23|浏览3
CurcuminÂ’s chemo-preventive efficacy in almost all stages of carcinogenesis has received even more attention because of curcuminÂ’s nontoxic nature. This study aims to increase the bioavailability of curcumin; the highest reproducible solubilitymodalitywill be applied on an experimental carcinogenesis models in order to evaluate its chemo-preventive, chemotherapeutic effects and antitumor potential; against animal carcinogenesis (Ehrlich carcinoma). Results: We found that administrating of curcumin/ BSA (200 mg/kg I.P.) results in a significant inhibitory effect on tumor in vivo represented in the reduction in the volume of the EAC and in the count of EAC cells in both preventive and therapeutic groups. An antioxidant effect of curcumin in vivo was observed; our results investigate a significant decrease in malodialdehyde and Nitric Oxide serum levels. Caspase-3 is an attractive therapeutic target for treatment of cancers. Overall, our results suggest that curcumin can induce apoptosis by multiple mechanisms, theses mechanismare negatively regulated by anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and caspase-3 activation. Conclusion: Curcumin has a strong inhibitory activity against tumors. The anti-tumor mechanism may be mediated by preventing oxidative damage and induction of apoptosis improved animal chances of survival and they became healthier. The results of clinical trials will be needed to spur the development of curcumin as cancer preventive and therapeutic.
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