Develop, research and analysis of applications for optimal consumption and visualization of linked data

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies(2017)

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The Web has become a necessary resource of daily use, the benefits it offers, being a source of knowledge, and collaboration giving rise to new initiatives such as linked data, whose purpose is link the data scattered through the Web through of semantic relationships between them. The propose of this article is show the improving, consumption, and visualization of linked data in the Web, in such a way that any user with or without any knowledge on the subject, can explore semantic databases, through the construction of software capable of providing a search engine for information related to a natural language search term that is converted to SPARQL query, in the same context the visualization of results by means of a graph, for which a research, and analysis of existing applications is carried out. In addition, semantic repositories contributed to the proposal, and for the develop of software.
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Linked data,Semantics,Visualization of linked data,Sparql,RUP
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