A Novel Approach to balance the load between nodes of distributed computing

Ms.Harshita Rai, Pradheep Manisekaran,Dr.Sanjeev Kumar

International Journal of Research and Engineering(2016)

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The cost/performance magnitude relation of networks of workstations has been perpetually rising. This trend is anticipated to continue within the close to future. the mixture peak rate of such systems typically matches or exceeds the height rate offered by the quickest parallel computers. Thus, distributed computing systems are a viable and fewer pricey various to parallel computers. However, a significant problem in coincidental programming of a distributed system is a way to alter programming and cargo equalization of such a system which can include heterogeneous computers. A distributed system may be viewed as a group of computing and communication resources shared by active users. Once the demand for computing owner will increase the load equalization drawback becomes necessary.We will state the load equalization drawback as follows. Given the initial job arrival rates at every pc within the system notice Associate in nursing allocation of jobs among the computers in order that the time interval of the complete system over all jobs is reduced. Often, jobs in an exceedingly distributed system may be divided into totally different categories supported their resource usage characteristics and possession. As an example the roles that belong to one user will type a category. Or else, we will distinguishdifferent categories of jobs by their execution times. Reckoning on what percentage job categories square measure thought-about we will have single category or multi-class job distributed systems. During this paper we have a tendency to take into account the load equalization drawback in single category job distributed systems.
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