Concentration-compactness and finite-time singularities for Chen's flow.

arXiv: Differential Geometry(2017)

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Chenu0027s flow is a fourth-order curvature flow motivated by the spectral decomposition of immersions, a program classically pushed by B.-Y. Chen since the 1970s. In curvature flow terms the flow sits at the critical level of scaling together with the most popular extrinsic fourth-order curvature flow, the Willmore and surface diffusion flows. Unlike them however the famous Chen conjecture indicates that there should be no stationary nonminimal data, and so particular the flow should drive all closed submanifolds to singularities. We investigate this idea, proving that (1) closed data becomes extinct finite time all dimensions and for any codimension; (2) singularities are characterised by concentration of curvature $L^n$ for intrinsic dimension $n in {2,4}$ and any codimension (a Lifespan Theorem); and (3) for $n = 2$ and one codimension only, there exists an explicit small constant $varepsilon_2$ such that if the $L^2$ norm of the tracefree curvature is initially smaller than $varepsilon_2$, the flow remains smooth until it shrinks to a point, and that the blowup of that point is an embedded smooth round sphere.
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