Mm-014: A Phase 2 Trial Evaluating Efficacy, Safety, And Biomarkers Of Pomalidomide Plus Low-Dose Dexamethasone (Pom Plus Lodex) Is Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma (Rrmm) Following Second-Line Lenalidomide Plus Dexamethasone (Len Plus Dex)

David Samuel Dicapua Siegel,Richy Agajanian,Rakesh Gaur,Kasra Karamiou,Hakan Kaya,Michael Sturniolo, Rosanna J. Ricafort, Gall Larkins,Shankar Srinivasan,Rajosh Chopra,Anjan Thakurta,Yasir M. Nagarwala, Flavio Kruter

Journal of Clinical Oncology(2014)

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TPS8627 Background: Challenging relapsed disease with drugs of the same class remains an area of investigation. Subanalyses of MM-002 and MM-003 in advanced RRMM demonstrated comparable efficacy for POM + LoDEX in patients (pts) refractory to LEN as last prior treatment (Tx) vs. all pts (Richardson, 2014; San Miguel, 2013). To confirm this, MM-014, a multicenter, single-arm, open-label phase 2 trial in the US and Canada evaluating POM + LoDEX immediately following second-line LEN + DEX, was designed (NCT01946477). Methods: Pts (N = 85 planned) must have received 2 prior lines of myeloma Tx, with LEN + DEX as second line. Pts must have relapsed from or become refractory to LEN + DEX as last prior Tx (≥ 2 cycles). Prior Tx may include all predetermined components of induction followed by ASCT and maintenance. Key exclusion criteria are creatinine clearance 2, neutrophils u003c 1000/μL, platelets u003c 75,000 or u003c 30,000/μL (for pts with u003c 50% or ≥ 50% of bone marrow [BM] nu...
multiple myeloma,relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma,pomalidomide,low-dose,second-line
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