A strongly interacting polaritonic quantum dot


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Polaritons are promising constituents of both synthetic quantum matter 1 and quantum information processors 2 , whose properties emerge from their components: from light, polaritons draw fast dynamics and ease of transport; from matter, they inherit the ability to collide with one another. Cavity polaritons are particularly promising as they may be confined and subjected to synthetic magnetic fields controlled by cavity geometry 3 , and furthermore they benefit from increased robustness due to the cavity enhancement in light–matter coupling. Nonetheless, until now, cavity polaritons have operated only in a weakly interacting mean-field regime 4 , 5 . Here we demonstrate strong interactions between individual cavity polaritons enabled by employing highly excited Rydberg atoms as the matter component of the polaritons. We assemble a quantum dot composed of approximately 150 strongly interacting Rydberg-dressed 87 Rb atoms in a cavity, and observe blockaded transport of photons through it. We further observe coherent photon tunnelling oscillations, demonstrating that the dot is zero-dimensional. This work establishes the cavity Rydberg polariton as a candidate qubit in a photonic information processor and, by employing multiple resonator modes as the spatial degrees of freedom of a photonic particle, the primary ingredient to form photonic quantum matter 6 .
Atomic and molecular interactions with photons,Quantum fluids and solids,Physics,general,Theoretical,Mathematical and Computational Physics,Classical and Continuum Physics,Atomic,Molecular,Optical and Plasma Physics,Condensed Matter Physics,Complex Systems
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