Prediction of Biological Profile from Foot Dimensions: Could Body Weight and Arch Height Affect Accuracy?

Journal of Forensic Research(2017)

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The study of human foot and its impressions has countless implications in medico-legal practice. The foot and its impressions are unique to an individual and its dimensions are known to be reliable in the prediction of biological profile. A significant number of regression equations for the prediction of biological profile are derived from foot dimensions in weight bearing living subjects. With respect to the weight applied to the foot, arches of the foot are able to deform and reverse to normal alignment, changing the shape and size of the foot. Deformities of those arches are capable of affecting the foot dimensions as well. However, from a forensic perspective, there is a paucity of literature discussing the effect of body weight and arch height on foot dimensions or their effect on the accuracy of biological profile prediction. This article, therefore, briefly discusses the forensic implication of the foot and the effect of body weight and arch height on the accuracy of the regression equations derived from weight bearing subject as well as subjects with arch deformities.
arch height affect accuracy,foot dimensions,biological profile,body weight
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