Complex sea-surface condition deghosting technology of towed streamer data


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In marine seismic acquisition, the ghost is one of the most complex interferences, resulting from the influences of many complex conditions, including rough sea-surface states, floating cable depth, incidence angle, and airgun signals, etc. The precision of deghosting could be degraded if those factors are neglected. This paper presents a complex sea condition deghosting (CSDG) method for marine towed streamer data acquisition. By giving full consideration to the complex factors of the ghost generation, this deghosting method permits us to apply the classical Gauss statistical formula to calculate the reflection coefficient of a rough sea surface, extract the wavelet from the seabed reflection to suppress the airgun signal, and calculate the optimal ghost wave operator in the t-p domain to suppress the ghost. Utilizing CSDG in the deghosting of synthetic data and real marine towed streamer data can facilitate the verification of the feasibility and effectiveness of CSDG.
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complex sea condition,ghost,towed streamer,rough sea surface,Tau-p domain
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