Energy Security and Regional Power Sector Cooperation in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region: Past Developments and Near-Term Challenges

Asian Journal of Public Affairs(2017)

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Energy security is a key objective for any modern society. While the concept has traditionally implied security of supply, it should include economic, technological, environmental, social and cultural, and military/security dimensions as well. In this context, grid interconnectivity potentially has a positive impact on energy security. Nevertheless, several barriers constrain the development and deepening of regional power agreements. Among all, lack of political will is commonly highlighted. The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) has shown the largest progress of regional power trade in Southeast Asia. Even tough, it is also currently facing challenges to move forward the program. This paper reconstructs the development process of the program in order to better understand how the political will was formed or created and what is currently blocking it. Doing so, it identifies four moments when that was needed. Three of them successfully overcome, and one remaining as a challenge for the near-term future. In total eight critical factors are considered to be behind. Based on them, and the understanding of the current situation, recommendations for the near-term are also proposed.
regional power sector cooperation,energy security,sub-region,near-term
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