Effective Factors on Unassisted Smoking Cessation


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Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the contribution which effective factors on who self-quitting smoking. Methods: The study had been included in over 18 years old people who not received any pharmacological treatment or psychological support. The research was performed at the 95% +/- 3.09 confidence interval. Age, gender, educational status, occupation, monthly income, smoking situation and effective factors on self-quitting smoking. Results: The participants had been 50.9% (509) male and 49.5 (498) female. Median age was 35 (18-87) years old; female's median age 35 (18-83) and male's median age 36 (18-87). From Istanbul 351 (35%), Ankara 301 (30%), Konya 207 (20%), Antalya 148 (15%) were people interviewed. This study had been the most effective factor in unassisted smoking cessation one's own disease. The second factor had been getting fear of sick and third family pressure. The most people had been quit smoking due to diseases of respiratory system. The most fearful disease was cancer. Financial status was forth effective factor on quitting smoking. Conclusion: As a result effective factors on unassisted smoking cessation had been getting fear of sick as well as own disease. Therefore, in the process of quitting smoking, and especially young people in the project will be designed to prevent smoking was thought should be given to these issues. Also important in this regard is increasing the cigarette sales price. The compliance with laws issued to prevent smoking in closed areas, in particular young people can influence their thoughts about the hazards of smoking.
Effective factor,self-quitting smoking,unassisted smoking cessation
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