Current Status of Safety Management of Protestant Religious Facilities

Architectural research(2016)

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This study aimed to investigate whether protestant religious facilities are maintained appropriately for people and regular inspections are conducted. As a study method, survey and site investigation were conducted. The survey questionnaire aimed to know the perception of users or responsible persons about safety management and current status of safety management systems while the site investigation aimed to inspect structural conditions by a visual inspection such as proper installation of fire protection equipment and whether regular inspection were conducted. It was found, through the inspection of the current safety management status, that the safety management related persons did not know which parts and how much they manage incorrectly, and did not know the follow-up actions in case of accidents. Therefore, it is essentially required to assign a proper person to the facilities for safety management and to have safety consciousness education. Furthermore, although more than 80% of the surveyed subjects responded that they were familiar with the way to use safety management related facilities and overall instructions, the respondent were concerned about the correspondent training for emergent circumstances.
safety management,facilities
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