Social networks in health care for hypertensive elderly people

International Archives of Medicine(2017)

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Background: Social Networks are characterized by their dynamism and continuous exchange of information, being fundamental to face acute or chronic health conditions and their related problems. It is therefore believed that elderly hypertensive people are inserted in social networks formed through interactions that help them face chronic disease and that such structures include diverse aspects that affect the care processes that are directly related to the perceptions of these patients on hypertension and its treatment.   Aim: To disclose social networks used by elderly hypertensive patients created through the health care offered by health professionals and/or relatives. Method: descriptive cross sectional study with a qualitative approach developed in two basic care urban units of a Northeastern Brazil municipality during February and March, 2016. The sample was composed of 26 elderly patients of both sexes registered in the selected units. Data collection took place through a semi-structured interview carried out at the patients’ domiciles. Data was processed through the Iramuteq software and analyzed through the Descending Hierarchical Classification (DHC). Results: results were introduced in two axes: Axe 1: hypertension implications in the life of the elderly according to the following classification: Class 5: pharmacological treatment and side effects; Class 4: hypertension signs and symptoms; Axe 2: hypertension-based links formed with the different classes; Class 2: links that strengthen care; Class 1: pharmacological treatment and side effects; Class 3: professionals who promote hypertensive elderly patients’ care.    Conclusion: interactions developed by hypertensive elderly patients reveal the key role that pharmacological treatment plays in the construction of social networks, negatively affecting the elderly perceptions on the right therapy and highlighting health professionals that promote health care.
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Key words
social networks,health care
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