Suitable Liquid Biopsy Samples for Detecting Kras Mutations in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer


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the meta-analysis.The primary endpoint of interest was overall survival assessed by hazard ratio.The pooled hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated from the original study data by using the Mantel-Haenszel method (fixed effects model).Statistical heterogeneity was assessed using the forest plot and inconsistency statistic (I-squared).If any heterogeneity existed (I-squared > 50%), it was to be explored by subgroup analyses, meta-regression and sensitivity analyses.Results: A total of seven retrospective cohort studies, involving 3,807 pre-existing diabetic patients with PAC were included.Across studies, mean age was seventy-five years old and 49% of the patients were men.Sixty-one percent had BMI<25 and 86% of patients had ECOG score of 0-1 whereas the remaining had scores 2 or greater.Among the studies, thirty-five percent had either resectable or locally advanced disease and the remaining 65% had either unresectable or metastatic disease.Administration of metformin to pre-existing diabetic patients with PAC reduced the risk of overall mortality by 19% (HR 0.81, 95% Cl 0.75-0.86)when compared to those not taking metformin.Isquare of the study was 48.8%, which was below 50% indicting statistical homogeneity among the studies.Conclusions: Metformin exposure when compared to non-exposure is associated with an increase in overall survival in pre-existing diabetic patients diagnosed with PAC.Further randomized, controlled trials looking at the use of metformin in preexisting diabetic patients with resectable and locally advanced PAC are needed.
pancreatic cancer,detecting kras mutations
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