Application of Ecological Tourism in Physical Education of Primary School Age Children

Journal of physical education and sport(2017)

引用 23|浏览1
IntroductionHealth status of school age children is one of the most important medical-social problems, as far as it influence on formation of labor and intellectual potential of the country (Nianu0027kovsu0027kij, Iacula, Chikajlo, u0026 Pasechniuk, 2012). Under such circumstances improvement of childrenu0027s development conditions shall be regarded as pre-condition of favorable social-economic and demographic future of the state. Besides, it is necessary to regard it as the problem of national significance, which requires first turn solution. Recent years scientists intensively have been dealing with multi-factors researches of ecological culture. However, solution of tasks of schoolchildrenu0027s ecological education in physical education process has not been paid sufficient attention to. (Dmitruk, u0026 Golovach, 2011; Golovach, 2016). To some extent, it is due to absence of ground for formation of motivation to careful attitude towards nature environment and indifference to own health. Some facts were found that in modern conditions one of strategic tasks of educational system were formation of personality with high ecological culture level (Dmitruk et al., 2011). One of the most important periods for formation of ecological culture principles is primary school age. Primary school requires effective technologies, oriented on formation of harmony in pupils-environment relationships. Such technologies shall result in formation of childrenu0027s care attitude to the nature (Dmitruk et al., 2011; Butenko, 2015). That is why application of ecological tourism shall be of universal and inter-disciplinary character. It will permit to increase the level of primary school pupilsu0027 ecological culture and facilitate physical condition indicators.Demand in activation of work in this direction is noted also by known foreign and domestic scientists (Anderson, 2012; Goncharova, u0026 Butenko, 2015; Mulyk, u0026 Grynova, 2015). The authors say that it is necessary: to study influence of forests on childrenu0027s health [Soroka, Mazurek-Kusiak, Wojciechowska-Solis, u0026 Hawlena, 2016], implementation of educational activity among children in rest camps [Manuel, Miguel, Serra, u0026 Ribeiro, 2015], formation of positive skills in healthy life style through tourism practicing [Scholz, 2015], study of active hiking measuresu0027 influence on personalityu0027s qualities of youth [Makeeva, Pushkina, u0026 Polyakov, 2015], pedagogic approaches to formation of responsible attitude towards environment [Toro, Luisa, Alejandro, Rozo, u0026 Suescun, 2015; Ilnytska et al., 2016], implementation of formal models and theoretical conceptions in tourism and education through culture of communication [Alzahrani, Loke, u0026 Lu, 2014; Kozina, 2015].Of not less importance in formation of pupilsu0027 ecological culture and increase of their physical condition indicators can be the following: teachersu0027 ability to organize effective and interesting for children classes [Kenioua, Bachir, u0026 Bacha, 2016; Kenioua, u0026 Boumasjed, 2016]; usage of health related tourism for increase of pupilsu0027 organism functional potentials and their physical health [Mulyk, u0026 Mulyk, 2015; Kashuba, Goncharova, u0026 Butenko, 2016]; implementation of health-related technologies in formation of pupilsu0027 healthy life style [Chernenko, 2015; Shuba, 2016], creation of conditions for trainings motor actions and increase of motor functioning during all period of disabled childrenu0027s learning [Kubaj, 2015; Kuzmin, Kopylov, Kudryavtsev, Galimov, u0026 Iermakov, 2015; Adyrkhaev, 2016], consideration of childrenu0027s gender peculiarities that facilitates more effective formation of physical culture values [Yermakova, 2015; Marchenko, 2016]. Adequate tests are special element of determination of pupilsu0027 health indicators [Bliznevsky, et al., 2016; Ivashchenko et. al., 2016; Pomeshchikova et al., 2016]. Usage of creative motor tasks requires variety of condition for their realization and presence of appropriate criteria for their assessment [Kolumbet, 2016; Kolumbet, u0026 Dudorova, 2016; Kozina, Repko, Ionova, Boychuk, u0026 Korobeinik, 2016]. …
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