Polypharmacology Approaches against the Pseudomonas aeruginosa MvfR Regulon and Their Application in Blocking Virulence and Antibiotic Tolerance

ACS Chemical Biology(2017)

Cited 33|Views29
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an important nosocomial pathogen that is frequently recalcitrant to available antibiotics, underlining the urgent need for alternative therapeutic options against this pathogen. Targeting virulence functions is a promising alternative strategy as it is expected to generate less-selective resistance to treatment compared to antibiotics. Capitalizing on our nonligand-based benzamide–benzimidazole (BB) core structure compounds reported to efficiently block the activity of the P. aeruginosa multiple virulence factor regulator MvfR, here we report the first class of inhibitors shown to interfere with PqsBC enzyme activity, responsible for the synthesis of the MvfR activating ligands HHQ and PQS, and the first to target simultaneously MvfR and PqsBC activity. The use of these compounds reveals that inhibiting PqsBC is sufficient to block P. aeruginosa’s acute virulence functions, as the synthesis of MvfR ligands is inhibited. Our results show that MvfR remains the best target of this Q...
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Key words
<i>pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>,antibiotic tolerance,blocking virulence,mvfr regulon
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