Assessing Brucellosis Seroprevalence and Transmission Risk in a Free-Ranging Elk Population: The Targetted Brucellosis Surveillance Project in Montana

Intermountain Journal of Sciences(2015)

Cited 23|Views8
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The white-headed woodpecker ( Picoides albola rvatus) is a species of management concern in dry-conifer forests of the Inland Northwest, where forest restoration and fuels reduction treatments are increasingly common.  This species may be vulnerable to forest management treatments because it occupies a limited distribution and has narrow habitat requirements.  Forest treatments could negatively affect this species if foraging and nesting resources are removed or could benefit the species through creation of more heterogeneity across the landscape.  Studies of other woodpecker species have identified resource availability and habitat composition as a key influence on the variation of home range size within a population.  We examined home range size of white-headed woodpeckers in a landscape historically managed for timber harvest and is currently receiving extensive forest restoration treatments.  In our first field season, we obtained relocations on 7 radio-tagged woodpeckers (5 males and 2 females, all from different breeding pairs), from late nesting through fledgling periods (late June to early September).  We obtained direct foraging observations at the radio locations.  Estimated home range sizes were quite variable(24 - 180 ha), based on the minimum convex polygon (MCP) method.  We will also estimate home range sizes using the fixed-kernel method.  Identifying habitat spatial attributes that account for variation in home range size will contribute towards effective management decisions for the persistence of white-headed woodpecker populations.
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targetted brucellosis surveillance project,brucellosis seroprevalence,elk population,free-ranging
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