Myocardial Ischemia Event Detection Based On Support Vector Machine Model Using Qrs And St Segment Features


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This study aimed to develop a nonlinear support vector machine (SVM) model to detect ischemic events based on a dataset of QRS-derived and ST indices from non-ischemic and acute ischemic episodes.The study included 67 patients undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with 12-lead continuous and signal-averaged ECG recordings before and during PCI. Fifty-four indices were initially considered from each episode. The dataset was randomly divided into training (80%) and testing (20%) subsets. The training subset was used to optimize the SVM parameters algorithm and for determining the most important statistically significant indices, by using repeated k-fold cross-validation (with N=25 repetitions and k=5). The described procedure was run on 25 randomized training/testing subsets to assess the average performance.On average, the most important indices were the QRS-vector difference and the ST segment level at J-point + 60 ms computed from the synthesized vector magnitude, and the summed high-frequency QRS components of all 12 leads at 150-250 Hz band. The performance of testing was: classification error=12.5(8.3-16.7)%, sensibility=83.3(75.0-91.7)%, specificity=91.7(83.3-91.7)%, positive predictive value=90.9(83.0-92.3)% and negative predictive value=85.7(80.0-91.7)%. The method used to construct the SVM model is robust enough and looks promising in detecting acute myocardial ischemia and myocardial infarction risk.
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Key words
myocardial ischemia event detection,support vector machine model,QRS segment feature,ST segment feature,QRS-derived index,ST index,nonischemic episode,acute ischemic episode,percutaneous coronary intervention,ECG recording,QRS-vector difference,acute myocardial ischemia,myocardial infarction,frequency 150 Hz to 250 Hz
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