Design of a Real-Time Emergency Monitoring Platform Based on Wireless Communication Technology

2016 8th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC)(2016)

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In various kinds of emergency, it's the proper decision-making and timely medical treatment that will effectively save lives and lower the damage to a minimum. Steady advances in wireless networking, medical sensor and interoperability software create exciting possibilities for improving the way of providing emergency care in prehospital situations. A real-time patient monitoring system based on the third generation (3G) cellular standard and General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) was designed and developed for emergency care and response management. Besides of vital signs of patients, such as ECG, SpO2 and NIBP, the system simultaneously transmits videos, voice and geographical position and so on, which is required throughout the prehospital procedure. Moreover, a hand-held ID card reader can automatically record the patient personal information, and the patient care software received the real-time patient data from the sensor and processes the data to detect anomalies. The testing results of the system show that it has the potential to improve the efficiency of the medical staff in the rescue operation for the most part.
telemedicine,emergency monitoring platform,vital signs monitoring,on-site surveillance,wireless networking,GPS module
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