Quality of Life among Persons with Paraplegic Spinal Cord Injury

Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development(2016)

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Purpose: This article aimed to examine quality of life (QoL) among persons with paraplegic spinal cord injury (SCI), to determine their socio-demographic details, and to measure the different levels of performance in correlation with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Method: A descriptive cross–sectional study was conducted with a structured questionnaire to collect information from 45 persons with paraplegic SCI. Data was collected by purposive sampling technique and face-to-face interviews. Results : Most of the participants (47%, n=21) were in the age group of 20-30 years, with a mean age of 33.53 (± 11.14) years. There were more men (89%, n=40) than  women (11%, n=5) and the ratio was 8:1. The most common occupation was farming (27%, n=12), followed by daily labour (22%, n=10). Fall from a height (58%, n=26) was the most common cause of injury. A high percentage of participants (36%, n=16) rated their quality of life (QoL) as poor. Depression was felt very often (44%, n=20), where as happiness lasted for only a little while (38%, n=17).Older participants faced problems at work more often than younger persons. Males and those who worked in public places faced problems in dressing or bathing independently. Married participants were more dissatisfied regarding income and the amount of work they were able to do. Those who had met with road accidents had more emotional problems than others. Association analysis showed that by increasing happiness and decreasing depression participants’ quality of life could improve. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that spinal cord injury greatly affects quality of life (QoL) and gives rise to more problems, especially in the areas of physical and mental health. It is necessary to take steps to improve the physical and emotional status of paraplegic spinal cord injury clients, as this will eventually lead to improvement in their quality of life
paraplegic spinal cord injury,spinal cord,life,quality
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