A Case Series Study on Compliance and its Influencing factors among Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients Attending a Tertiary Healthcare Centre at Bagalkot District, Karnataka

Annals of Community Health(2016)

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Background: India currently leads the world, as it has the largest number of diabetics and is considered as the “Diabetes capital of the world”. Noncompliance leads to lack of metabolic control, which contributes to development and acceleration of diabetic complications also dramatically increase the financial cost of the patient as well as public health services. Objectives: 1. To study the compliance rate of the patients with type II DM. 2. To find out the factors influencing the noncompliance of known diabetic patients. Methods: A case series study was done in HSK Hospital, Bagalkot from May to July 2014. Indicators used to evaluate the compliance were Diet, Exercise, Medication and regular physician visit. These indicators were graded as Always, Most times, Some times and Never. Chi square test was used to find the association. Results: In this study, the total participants were 214, in which majority (62.15%) were male and 50.93% were more than 60 years. The compliance rate was 53.27%. Among the study participants only 15.89%, 7.48%, 15.89% and 14.95% had been following the advice regarding diet, exercise, medication and physician consultation regularly respectively. The most common reason for not following the advice were, they couldn’t resist eating sweets (56.11%), not interested (26.26%), forgetfulness (67.78%) and being busy at work schedule (40.66%) respectively. Conclusion: The compliance of diabetic patients was poor. An integrated approach from doctors, patients and their family are needed to improve the compliance and to fight against harsh effects.
diabetes mellitus,compliance,bagalkot district
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