Regulation Of P53 Family Gene Expresion And Akt/Jnk Cell Signaling Pathways By Sorafenib In Hepatocarcinoma Cell Lines

M.A. Rodríguez-Hernández, E. Navarro-Villarán,S. Pereira,L. Barrera-Pulido, A. Gila-Bohórquez, Á. Nogales-Muñoz, D. Pacheco, M.A. Torres-Nieto, A. Serrablo-Requejo, G. Blanco-Fernández, J.M. Álamo-Martínez,C. Bernal-Bellido,J. Serrano-Díaz-Canedo,G. Suárez-Artacho, L.M. Marín-Gómez, T. Ferrer-Ríos, J.M. Pascasio-Acevedo,M.A. Gómez-Bravo,J. Padillo,J. Muntané


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p53 family gene expresion,akt/jnk cell signaling pathways,sorafenib
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