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Synthesis of overhead and ground-based infrared spectroscopy at the 2000 FIDO Mars rover field test : FIDO prototype Mars rover field trial

Journal of Geophysical Research(2002)

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In the May 2000 Field Integrated Design and Operations (FIDO) Mars Rover Field Test, an off-site science team was charged with the goal of characterizing the geology of a previously unknown field location by commanding and collecting observations from a robotic rover, similar to those planned for future Mars missions. One unique feature of this test was the degree to which the science team was able to make use of previously acquired overhead remote-sensing data together with ground-based observations by the rover. In particular, an Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer scene covering the region of the field test was used in concert with observations from the rover's near-infrared point spectrometer to develop a coherent and essentially correct geologic story for the test site. Using the overhead data, the science team was able to form hypotheses that were testable using rover observations on the ground. The team was able to establish the provenance of exotic samples within reach of the rover by making a spectroscopic link to units observed from above. The science team was also able to extend the spectral range of the rover's onboard spectrometer via inferred connections to units mapped from above with greater spectral range. The net result of the success of this rover trial is an increase in experience and confidence for NASA's Mars mission strategy, which features strong ties between early orbital reconnaissance missions for geologic mapping and subsequent rover missions to the surface.
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