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On The Performance Of Adaptive Data Rate Over Deep Space Ka-Band Link: Case Study Using Kepler Data


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Future missions envisioned for both human and robotic exploration demand increasing communication capacity through the use of Ka-band communications. The Ka-band channel, being more sensitive to weather impairments, presents a unique trade-offs between data storage, latency, data volume and reliability. While there are many possible techniques for optimizing Ka-band operations such as adaptive modulation and coding and site-diversity, this study focus exclusively on the use of adaptive data rate (ADR) to achieve significant improvement in the data volume-availability tradeoff over a wide range of link distances for near Earth and Mars exploration.Four years of Kepler Ka-band downlink symbol signal-to-noise (SNR) data reported by the Deep Space Network were utilized to characterize the Ka-band channel statistics at each site and conduct various what-if performance analysis for different link distances. We model a notional closed-loop adaptive data rate system in which an algorithm predicts the channel condition two-way light time (TWLT) into the future using symbol SNR reported in near-real time by the ground receiver and determines the best data rate to use. Fixed and adaptive margins were used to mitigate errors in channel prediction. The performance of this closed-loop adaptive data rate approach is quantified in terms of data volume and availability and compared to the actual mission configuration and a hypothetical, optimized single rate configuration assuming full a priori channel knowledge.
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Key words
adaptive data rate performance,deep space Ka-band link,communication capacity,Ka-band communications,weather impairments,data storage,data latency,reliability,ADR,data volume-availability trade-off,link distances,near Earth exploration,Mars exploration,Kepler Ka-band downlink symbol signal-to-noise data,deep space network,Ka-band channel statistics,what-if performance analysis,closed-loop adaptive data rate system,two-way light time channel condition,TWLT channel condition prediction,symbol SNR,ground receiver,error mitigation
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