Effects of the Typhoon Haiyan on Medicine Management System in the Primary Health Care Facilities of Selected Affected Areas

Journal of Health Research(2015)

引用 23|浏览2
Background and Objectives: Typhoon Haiyan caused widespread damage and destruction to the Philippines resulting in severe economic, infrastructure, and health concerns including medicine supply. Medicine management is critical in any health facility and may be especially crucial in times of emergencies or disasters. This study aimed to provide a situational analysis of medicine management in the primary health care facilities and to identify major challenges and gaps in the system after typhoon Haiyan. Methodology: Semi-structured interviews of key personnel from the Rural Health Units (RHU) and Barangay Health Stations (BHS) and non-participant observation served as data collection methods. Data gathered from interviews were transcribed verbatim and subsequently analyzed by content analysis. Results and Conclusions: Results showed that the primary concerns on medicine management include improper quantification scheme, long procurement process, improper storage conditions, and lack of trained dispensers of medicines. Typhoon Haiyan has exacerbated these concerns most especially the improper storage conditions resulting from indiscriminate acceptance of donations. The deluge of donations to the primary health care facilities also resulted to problems on disposal of expired and unwanted pharmaceuticals. Clear guidelines and well-trained personnel must be in place in the health care facility to ensure an efficient drug management system that can adapt to changes brought about by inclement disasters and emergencies. Key words: medicine/ drug management cycle, typhoon Haiyan, RHU, BHS
typhoon haiyan,medicine management system,primary health care facilities,health care
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