
Think tanks and the brainstorming decision-making centers of global management in the third millennium

Abbas Abbasi,Shirin Azadi, Hasan Rangriz

International journal of humanities and social sciences(2016)

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The difference and the distinction between successful organizations and communities in various fields commonly pertains to the extant mechanisms in higher levels of management and it can be particularly elucidated in two sections of enriched and supported decision-building and strong and fruitful decision-making. Consultative and collective decision building is the foundation of correct decision making and it is regarded as an effective and successful pattern which has been drawn upon the think tanks functions and decision maker centers in advanced and developed countries. Think tanks strategic and important standpoint which has been nowadays, in the 21 st century, accompanied with the justification of superiority and capability in various fields has propelled the society governors and organizations’ higher management approaches shifted towards the establishment of thought chambers and generator and decision-building circles in a manner that besides being numerous and diverse it has been accompanied with a sort of explicit and hidden competition from the managers’ side, on the one hand, and from the elites active in think tanks part, on the other. In this process the organizations have attempted to attract the experts’ attention and cooperation and draw the elites into the think tanks and the thought-generating centers and the think tanks, as well, have dealt with the compilation, design and offering the best and the most effective decisions through employing the experts and specialists from various scientific and specialized fields of study and meanwhile struggling to increase organizational efficiency, effectiveness and productivity in such fields they have stepped into an extensive competition with the objective of gaining in superiority especially in the strategic level. In the present study, we attempt to exhibit the effectiveness level and the significant standpoint of the think tanks in providing the governors and managers with consultation and guiding the societies and directing the organizations while the think tanks’ benefits and the capabilities and their proper functions in the quality of making decisions and strategic planning are expounded, particularly in problem-solving situations.
global management,decision-making decision-making,tanks
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