Evaluation of a Screening Instrument for Alcohol-Related Disorders in General Practice

Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin(2007)

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AIM: The aim of this study was to examine the acceptability of a screening questionnaire for alcohol-related disorders in general practices. METHODS: This study was carried out in the scope of the BMBF-supported project AQAH (comprehensive quality management in outpatient care). Patients ( N=156) visiting their general practitioners received a screening questionnaire that included questions related to primary-care issues, substance dependence and other psychia-tric disorders. Next, patients provided feedback about the screening questionnaire regarding its length and potential usefulness to the physician as well as their own level of interest and their opinions about the appropriate frequency of use. The refusal quota was assessed by practice staff. RESULTS: Most patients (93.5%) considered the questionnaire length “just right,” and 49.5% indicated that the physician would obtain a better understanding of patients’ illnesses by using the questionnaire. Patients with an alcohol-related disorders evaluated the questionnaire similarly to patients without an alcohol-related disorder: 76% considered the length to be “just right”, 60% thought that the physician would obtain a better understanding of patients’ illnesses, and 80% thought that using it once per year was appropriate. DISCUSSION: Contrary to popular belief, this study did not provide evidence of patient resis-tance to an alcohol screening questionnaire in a primary-care setting. A majority of patients with and without alcohol-related disorders reported high acceptance of the screening questionnaire.
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