Microbial Contamination of White and Brown Cosmetic Powders Sold in Abakaliki, Ebonyi, Nigeria

Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare(2016)

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Powder is a cosmetic product used by men, women and children to improve their looks and prevent prickly heat. They can either directly add or alter colour and can be applied alone or over a foundation that serves to make the colour even and smooth. The aim of this study was to assess the microbial contamination of white and brown powders sold in Abakaliki, Ebonyi. Ten (10) samples of cosmetic powders (5 white and 5 brown powders) were bought from Abakpa market Abakaliki and analysed. Two methods were used for extraction of the organisms; sprinkling and centrifugation methods. The result revealed the following microorganisms; Bispora spp. , Puciniopsis spp. , Aspergillus spp. , Rhizopus spp and Fusarium spp. in white and brown powders. Aspergillus spp.. constituted 81.82 % and 75 % in white and brown powders, Puciniopsis spp. were 9.09 % in white powder, Bispora spp. were 8.33 % , Rhizopus spp and Fusarium spp. achieved 8.33 % in brown powders but absent in white powders, Streptococcus sp. was identified only in brown powder. Aspergillus spp. had higher prevalence in both white and brown powders with 90 % and 71.43 % respectively. The study shows that both white and brown cosmetic powders harbor microbes could be responsible for facial rashes, eczema and other dermatitis. Keywords: Bacteria, fungi, health risks, microbes, cosmetic powders
brown cosmetic powders,microbial contamination,nigeria,abakaliki
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