Future Role of the College of Health Sciences & Social Welfare: Inter-Professional Cross-Cultural Diversity

Noreen Mokuau,Jerris R. Hedges, Mary G Boland,Kathryn L. Braun, Maenette Benham

Hawai'i journal of medicine & public health(2015)

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The health professions contain distinct professional cultures. These cultures are reflected in professional attire, titles, organizations, and working relationships. At times these professional cultures may clash and get between the health professionals and the needs of the patient/family. Yet, cultures also are of value in setting public and professional expectations (ie, standards of care). Health care is being re-designed. The future will see a blend of population-based, outcomes focused (systems) and individual-need focused (personalized) care. This dualism balance will impact both prevention—primary care and specialty care. There also will be a gradual evolution of reimbursement for care designed to avert futile care, especially by specialists. The implications for the College is that inter-professional education using simulation will need to help learners identify situations when the team should be following standard care protocols and when an individualized deviation (including implementation of comfort care) is needed. Communication between team members and the patient/family will be critical to successful outcomes. Thus, educational curriculum will increasingly be team based, systems u0026 outcomes focused while attuned to patient/family perceptions and needs. These approaches will be guided by inter-professional care research that addresses both patient needs and population-based outcomes.
health sciences,college,social welfare,future role,inter-professional,cross-cultural
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