Overview of large area triple-GEM detectors for the CMS forward muon upgrade

D. Abbaneo,M. Abbas,M. Abbrescia,M. Abi Akl,O. Aboamer,D. Acosta,A. Ahmad,W. Ahmed,A. Aleksandrov,P. Altieri,C. Asawatangtrakuldee,P. Aspell,Y. Assran,I. Awan,S. Bally,Y. Ban,S. Banerjee,V. Barashko,P. Barria,G. Bencze,N. Beni,L. Benussi,V. Bhopatkar,S. Bianco,Jelte E. Bos,O. Bouhali,A. Braghieri,S. Braibant,S. Buontempo,C. Calabria,M. Caponero,C. Caputo,F. Cassese,A. Castaneda,S. Cauwenbergh,F.R. Cavallo,A. Celik,M. Choi,S. Choi,J. Christiansen,A. Cimmino,S. Colafranceschi,Anna Colaleo,A. Conde Garcia,S. Czellar,M. M. Dabrowski,G. De Lentdecker,R. De Oliveira,G. De Robertis,S. Dildick,B. Dorney,G. Endroczi,F. Errico,A. Fenyvesi,S. Ferry,I. Furic,P. Giacomelli,J. Gilmore,V. Golovtsov,L. Guiducci,F. Guilloux,A. Gutierrez,R.M. Hadjiiska,J. Hauser,K. Hoepfner,M. Hohlmann,H. Hoorani,P. Iaydjiev,Y. G. Jeng,T. Kamon,P. Karchin,A. Korytov,S. Krutelyov,A. Kumar,H. Kim,J. Lee,Thomas Lenzi,L. Litov,F. Loddo,A. Madorsky,T. Maerschalk,M. Maggi,A. Magnani,P.K. Mal,K. Mandal,A. Marchioro,A. Marinov,N. Majumdar,J.A. Merlin,G. Mitselmakher,A.K. Mohanty,A. Mohapatra,J. Molnar,S. Muhammad,S. Mukhopadhyay,M. Naimuddin,S. Nuzzo,E. Oliveri,L.M. Pant,Pierluigi Paolucci,I. C. Park,G. Passeggio,B. Pavlov,B. Philipps,D. Piccolo,H. Postema,A. Puig Baranac,A. Radi,R. Radogna,G. Raffone,A. Ranieri,G. Rashevski,C. Riccardi,M. Rodozov,A. Rodrigues,L. Ropelewski,S. RoyChowdhury,G. Ryu,M.S. Ryu,A. Safonov,S. Salva,G. Saviano,Archana Sharma,R. Sharma,A.H. Shah,M. Shopova,J. Sturdy,G. Sultanov,S.K. Swain,Z. Szillasi,J. Talvitie,A. Tatarinov,Tuure Tuuva,M. Tytgat,I. Vai,M. Van Stenis,R. Venditti,E. Verhagen,P. Verwilligen,P. Vitulo,S. Volkov,A. Vorobyev,D. Wang,M. Wang,U. Yang,Y. Yang,R. Yonamine,N. Zaganidis,F. Zenoni,A. Zhang

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2017)

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In order to cope with the harsh environment expected from the high luminosity LHC, the CMS forward muon system requires an upgrade. The two main challenges expected in this environment are an increase in the trigger rate and increased background radiation leading to a potential degradation of the particle ID performance. Additionally, upgrades to other subdetectors of CMS allow for extended coverage for particle tracking, and adding muon system coverage to this region will further enhance the performance of CMS.
Tracking detectors,GEM,Micro-pattern gas detectors,CMS
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