Development of Mediawiki-based Network Courses Driven by Theory of Generative Teaching

Journal of Guangzhou Open University(2013)

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Generative Teaching is an educational theory based on Constructivism. It stresses that teachers shall adjust their teaching approaches and behaviors to accommodate interactions, thus it is characterized by openness, participation, creativity, dynamic. Apt to run in the Web 2.0 environment, Mediawiki is such a wiki program of open source code, and an editor software featuring social cooperation that it embodies features of Generative Teaching. This study fi rstly analyzes the fundamentals of Generative Teaching Theory, then discusses the principle of developing generative courses, and fi nally builds up the model to design these courses. The study introduces the development process of a Mediawiki-driven course for educational technology undergraduates to illustrate how to apply the Theory.
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network courses,teaching,mediawiki-based
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