Study of the Influence of Fertilization on Nitrogen Leaching Underground in Northeast Central Raining Area by Percolating Pools

Journal of Maize Sciences(2015)

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Research had been conducted on the inter-annual occurrence law of the nitrogen underground leach-ing and nitrogen emission intensity in the northeastern corn soil during the period of 2010-2013. The results indicat-ed that leaching occurred 7-8 times annually on average, influenced by the rainfall to a relative large degree, ofwhich leaching occurred in June and July accounted for two-thirds that of the whole yearu0027s. The farmland nitrogenemission intensity was of a relatively great inter-annual difference, with about eight times of gap between the high-est and lowest value; the farmland background loss was 5 kg/ha on average, fertilization controlled within 4.53-7.17kg/ha; the farmland background nitrogen loss accounted for over 70% of the total loss. Nitrogen underground leach-ing is not high as a whole in the northern agricultural area, about 5% of the fertilized nitrogen amount, and was acomprehensive result affected by the rainfall, fertilization, soil type and other factors.
percolating pools,northeast central raining area,fertilization,nitrogen,underground
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