Analysis of Purchase of Antibacterial Drugs Within the Guaranteed Volume of Free medical aid In The Republic of Kazakhstan

G. Pichkhadze, E. Satbayeva,A Seitaliyeva, R. Duysenova


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Study of drug coverage in the Republic of Kazakhstan as one of the most important components of medical care and an important measure of social support of citizens. The List of drugs for purchase in 2014 by Single Distributor “SK-Pharmacy “ was analyzed. The percentage of antimicrobial drugs for certain groups of antibiotics and synthetic antibacterial agents of different chemical structure was studied. The analysis of drugs from domestic and foreign drug manufacturers was performed. Among all antibacterial drugs a big part consisted from antibiotics - 71%, synthetic chemotherapeutic drugs amounted to 29%. Of the total number of antibiotics the proportion of beta-lactam antibiotics amounted to 61,36%, macrolides and azalides – to 15,91%, aminoglycoside – to 6,82%, tetracyclines and glycopeptides to 2,27%, antibiotics from other groups - to11,36%. Among beta-lactam antibiotics a big part consisted from semisynthetic penicillins with wide spectrum - 29.6%, mainly amoxicillin and its “secured forms”. Cephalosporins consisted 51.85% of the total number of antibiotics, and were bought mainly drugs of 3rd generation. Carbapenems amounted to 11.11%, monobactams were not bought. From the group of aminoglycosides following drugs were bought: amikacin, kanamycin, streptomycin, gentamicin. Synthetic antibacterial drugs of different chemical structures were represented mainly by fluoroquinolones (66,67%): moxifloxacin, ofloxacin, norfloxacin, pefloxacin , ciprofloxacin. The half (50%) of procured medicines are products of domestic pharmaceutical companies. The main importers of antimicrobial medicines are: India (25,8%), Russia (16%), China (9.7%), Ukraine (9.7 %), France (6.5 %), and manufacturers from other countries consisted - 3,2%. A large part of the drugs purchased within the guaranteed volume of free medical aid in the Republic of Kazakhstan consist from basic beta-lactam antibiotics. In the list were presented the outdated drugs (gentamicin), which is not recommended for use. Predominant drug are drugs from domestic pharmaceutical companies.
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Key words
free medical aid,antibacterial drugs
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