Evaluation of Soft Tissue Profile Change Following Bi-maxillary Surgery in Dento-skeletal Class III by Photogrammetric Analysis

British journal of medicine and medical research(2016)

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3D analysis allows for simulation of orthognathic surgery and prediction of aesthetic and functional outcomes. Our study aims to find common and repeatable parameters on the behaviour of soft tissues following bone movement by preand post-treatment by photogrammetric analysis. Three representative patients who underwent bimaxillary surgery of advancement/retrusion of the jaws for correction of class III dento-skeletal malformation were presented. By overlapping pre-operative and post-operative 3D photos we obtained colour and millimetric maps that allowed the objective appreciation of facial soft tissues modification in all planes of the space after orthognathic surgery. Original Research Article Torroni et al.; BJMMR, 15(2): 1-11, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.25350 2 The study disclosed interesting insight into the soft tissue behaviour following orthognathic surgery and highlighted the possibility to draw reliable dissipation curves of facial skin after orthognathic surgery. This study also provided the base for future development of 3D images analysis (3D VTO) to plan and predict aesthetic outcomes of patients with dento-skeletal malformation.
soft tissue profile change,soft tissue,bi-maxillary,dento-skeletal
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