Future hypertension guidelines for older americans with multiple chronic conditions

Journal of The American Society of Hypertension(2016)

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Physical exam; 2. ECG; 3. Chest X-Ray; 4. Full blood test; 5. Full urine test; 6. Retina exam. We also include patient education and follow-up immediately after 24h the acute presentation. We identified 2 HU populations: High-risk HU (patients with TO initially compromised that will probably evolve to HE), and low-risk HU (patiens without compromise of TO). The latter would rest for 1 h until reach BP values below 160/ 100 mmHg. High-risk HU typically present 4 sound, ventricular hypertrophy, creatinineu003e1.5 mg/dL or ‘‘arterial-venous’’ crosses in the retinal exam, and will receive pharmacological treatment. The antihypertensive treatment administered was labetalol 200 mg. We monitored patients for 2 h after the drug was administered, and if the goal of treatment was reached (BP 160/100 mmHg patients will receive a second dose of labetalol. The new guideline revealed that 33 pacients (24%) were not diagnosed with high BP before. It also allowed us to diagnose high BP in 13 of these 33 previously undiagnosed patients. From the total patients with high BP (115) only 27 (23%) were adequately managed and treated. The most frequent cause that triggered HU was the dietary transgression (excessive salt ingestion). In conclusion, these guideline for HU revealed that a high percentage of patients with high BP lack adequate diagnosis and/or management. Implementation of resting before drug administration allowed us to achieve the goal of BPu003c160/100 in low-risk HU patients. High-risk HU patients were best treated with labetalol 200 mg. The new guideline also secured a medical follow-up of all HU patients, decreasing their fall-off of the medical system (u003c10%) and improving their long-term medical management.
future hypertension guidelines,older americans
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