Quasi-cyclic Concatenated Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes Based Joint Source-Channel Coding

Yupeng Li,Lin Zhou,Qiwang Chen,Lin Wang, Xi Wang

2023 2nd International Joint Conference on Information and Communication Engineering (JCICE)(2023)

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This paper investigates the quasi-cyclic construction method for Joint Source-Channel Coding (JSCC) based on Spatially Coupled Low-Density Parity-Check (SC-LDPC) codes. For existing source and channel matrix construction methods, their structures are simple, and to achieve a low overall error rate, random construction is generally used for the expansion matrix. However, in practical hardware implementation, this method is not conducive to data storage and retrieval. To alleviate these effects, a readily-stored base matrix construction and quasi-cyclic expansion method is proposed, which achieves a trade-off between error rate performance and storage complexity with given code rate and other basic parameters, and has a certain degree of flexibility. In simulations, the proposed quasi-cyclic construction method with easy storage shows improved error rate performance compared to existing construction methods, and the difference in error rate performance compared to similar structures that sacrifice more storage space for random construction is within an acceptable range.
quasi-cyclic,JSCC,SC-LDPC,easy storage
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