Record of Coptoclerus Chapin from Korea with a new species and a note on the distribution of the genus (Coleoptera: Cleridae)


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A new species of Coptoclerus Chapin (Coleoptera: Cleridae), C. quadrimaculatus Lim sp. nov., is described from Korea. Coptoclerus is reported from the country for the first time. The new species differs from congeners in having the following characteristics: head and the prothorax black; each elytron with two separated black maculations and a transverse thick black band on the middle of disc; rasp-like punctures on the basal third of the elytral disc, punctures denser and bigger in basal third than in apical two-thirds. Description, diagnostic illustrations of the new species and additional morphological characteristics of a closely related species, C. gressitti Miyatake, are provided with a distribution map of each species of Coptoclerus.
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Key words
Cleridae,Coptoclerus,description,distributional note,Korea,new species
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