
Utilization of Jatropha (jatropha Curcas L.) Wastes for Charcoal Briquettes

Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Nihon Enerugī Gakkaishi(2015)

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The study aims to determine the suitability of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) wastes for charcoal briquette production. Three types of raw materials namely 100 % tuba-tuba husk, 50 % husk and 50 % pressed cake, and 100 % pressed cake were carbonized using FPRDI carbonizer. The carbonized materials were bonded with cassava and corn starch as binders at different binder level of 10 %, 14 % and 18 % based on the weight of feedstock to form charcoal briquettes. Sample briquettes were evaluated based on their charcoal yield, crushing strength, proximate analysis, and heating values. Variation of treatment means for VM, Ash content, fixed carbon crushing strength and heating values was highly significant. Briquettes from pressed cake bonded with either cassava or corn starch at 10 %, 14 %, and 18 % was found to be superior among other materials tested. The 50 % J. husk and 50 % P. cake also showed promising results, but its quality may not be as good as that of pressed cake. The husk however, did not conform to the standards set by Philippine Standard Association (PHILSA), due to its high VM, and ash content. Based on the five properties, 10 % binder using pressed cake produced good Jatropha charcoal briquette.
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