We need to regulate the contents and construction of cigarettes to discourage initiation and facilitate cessation


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In this issue of Tobacco Control , Agaku, Omaduvie, Fillipidis and Vardavas ( see page e233 ) make an important contribution to the case for stronger tobacco product regulation. Using data from the 2012 Eurobarometer survey, the authors analyse the influences of cigarette design and marketing elements on European smokers’ current brand choices, initiation to smoking and beliefs in less harmful cigarettes. The study is timely, because the International Tobacco Control Community needs to reinvigorate the conversation about which directions we should take in advocating for new tobacco control measures. There are good reasons for taking much stronger action to regulate the contents and construction of cigarettes, as there are limits to what can be achieved with a continuing focus on the packaging and labelling of cigarettes, and public education as the twin means for countering smokers’ misperceptions.1–4 Regulation of contents and construction could provide important additional means for discouraging initiation and facilitating cessation. It would do so in two ways: first, by making …
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Carcinogens,Packaging and Labelling,Harm Reduction,Tobacco industry
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