Groundwater flow velocities in a fractured carbonate aquifer-type: Implications for contaminant transport.

G Medici,L J West, S A Banwart

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology(2019)

Cited 51|Views29
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Contaminants that are highly soluble in groundwater are rapidly transported via fractures in mechanically resistant sedimentary rock aquifers. Hence, a rigorous methodology is needed to estimate groundwater flow velocities in such fractured aquifers. Here, we propose an approach using borehole hydraulic testing to compute flow velocities in an un-faulted area of a fractured carbonate aquifer by applying the cubic law to a parallel plate model. The Cadeby Formation (Yorkshire, NE England) – a Permian dolostone aquifer present beneath the University of Leeds Farm - is the fractured aquifer selected for this hydraulic experiment.
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Key words
Carbonate,Fracture,Velocity,Depth,Reynolds number
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